Our Clinic

Comprehensive Medical Care for Women’s Health


Welcome to Signature Medical Women’s Health Clinic, a comprehensive clinic for medical care relating to women’s health issues. Our clinic offers a range of advice and services related to women’s general and reproductive health. We provide our female patients with all of the information, support, and care they need in making informed choices regarding their health.

At Signature Medical Women's Health Clinic, we are committed to providing our patients with a range of advice and services related to women's general and reproductive health. We focus on ensuring our patients are equipped with all of the information, support, and care they need in making informed choices regarding their health; whether it's providing guidance regarding the right birth control options for your lifestyle, offering prenatal and postnatal advice, to supporting women as they transition through menopause.

IUD Clinic 

Did you know that 50 per cent of pregnancies in Canada are unplanned and half of these are the results of contraceptive failure? It is important to know that not all unplanned pregnancies are unwanted. We strongly believe in the importance of educating and informing patients on the available options for contraception, ensuring patients have improved access to the most effective form of contraception on the market, long acting reversible contraception (LARC).  

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are one of the most recognized LARCs that have various uses including contraception, management of heavy menstrual bleeding, painful menses and endometriosis. They are most commonly used for contraception (including emergency contraception) due to their convenience and are an excellent choice for any women of child-bearing age.

Signature Medical Women’s Health Clinic is compliant with RAICE (Rapid Access IUD Centres of Excellence). RAICE is a network of clinics and health care providers across Canada who are experts in IUD insertion and care.

RAICE clinics must meet the following criteria: 

  1. Have an expert IUD insertion team
  2. Accept patients making their own appointments without referral by their health care provider
  3. Appointments for IUD discussion and insertion made quickly
  4. Offer training in their communities to the public and/or to other health care providers
  5. Are committed to continuously improving the care they provide
  6. Must provide access to the copper IUD as emergency contraception

Choosing your IUD:

  Copper IUDs Hormonal IUDs
Types Various forms available (your physician can help you decide on the best fit for you). Major brands: Mona Lisa™ Liberte™ Mirena® , Kyleena®
Cost ~ $70 - $100 ~ $400 (these costs may be covered by third party insurance)
How does it work? Releases copper into the uterus resulting in an inflammatory reaction, which prevents sperm from fertilizing the egg Releases levonorgestrel, a progesterone like hormone into the uterus, which helps to thicken cervical mucous making it difficult for the sperm and egg to meet. It also thins out the uterine lining, making it a good choice for women with heavy menses
How well does it prevent pregnancy 99.3% effective 99.7% effective
How long does it last for? Varies:  2.5 to 12 years 5 years
Bleeding profile Expect 20% to 50% more bleeding Improves bleeding so a good choice for women wanting lighter periods or those with a history of heavy menstrual bleeding
Advantages Does not contain estrogen


May reduce the risk of endometrial cancer

Safe in breastfeeding

Decrease menstrual bleeding profile

May reduce the risk of endometrial cancer

May be a treatment option for women with endometriosis or adenomyosis

Safe in breastfeeding

Disadvantages Expect 20% to 50% more cramping, and bleeding

May experience bleeding the first 3 months, which eventually settles

Some women may experience mild acne

Emergency Contraception Yes, it is 99% effective for emergency contraception when inserted within 5 days of unprotected intercourse No

Note: Copper IUDs are available for sale at the clinic. Additionally, the LARC Nexplanon® was recently approved in Canada. We will update our website with information on the availability of this product once more information is available. 

Prior to your procedure: 

  • Review the information above and come prepared with your questions to the first appointment 
  • No unprotected intercourse for a minimum of two weeks prior to your IUD insertion appointment
  • If you currently have an IUD in place, abstain from intercourse for one week prior to your appointment 
  • Come prepared to your appointment to provide a urine sample (we always want to rule out pregnancy prior to your insertion)
  • Take ibuprofen 600-800mg one hour prior to the appointment if you are able to tolerate for pain control
  • You are welcome to bring a support person to join you during your appointment if that will make you more comfortable

Please watch the below video, which describes what occurs during your procedure. 

The procedure takes place in the office and takes approximately 20 minutes. The actual insertion itself only takes a few minutes. 


After your procedure: 

  • You may continue to experience cramping for up to 7 days. You are welcome to manage this cramping with ibuprofen 600mg to 800mg every 6-8 hours as needed
  • Avoid the use of tampons, menstrual cups or intercourse within the first 24 hours after your procedure to reduce the risk of infection
  • If you develop symptoms of fever, abnormal vaginal discharge or lower abdominal pain, please call the clinic at 403-454-7550
  • You are encouraged to use back-up contraception (e.g. condoms, abstinence) for 6 weeks after your insertion as the risk for expulsion of the device is greatest during this period of time
  • Book your 6-week IUD check-up appointment to review your IUD and to make sure it is in good position


Do I need a referral to be seen?

A referral is strongly encouraged from your family physician or a walk-in clinic so that a note of your visit can be sent to the referring provider.

What is your cancellation policy?

We fully understand that life may get in the way and you may need to reschedule your appointment. We kindly ask that you provide our office with a minimum of 24 hours (business) notice if you need to cancel your appointment so that our staff can kindly reschedule you as soon as possible. Patients providing less than 24 hours notice or those who fail to show up to their appointment will be charged $50-$100 depending on the nature of the visit.

What happens at my 6-week IUD check-up appointment?

This appointment allows your physician to do a check-in with you to see how you are coping with your IUD. A pelvic examination will be performed to confirm placement of the IUD.

Patients are strongly encouraged to book an appointment to explore the various options available to them prior to booking their IUD insertion appointment.These appointments are generally best for patients coming in for a replacement of their device rather than first time IUD users.

Helpful links:


Reproductive Health and Family Planning

We provide women with advice and support that allows them to make the right decision as it relates to family planning and their reproductive health. We offer services for the following regarding reproductive health:

  • Family planning/preconception care
  • Prenatal care until 24 weeks
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Counselling and support regarding pregnancy decision-making
  • Referrals to appropriate providers


Family planning is an important aspect of reproductive care when couples have the opportunity to prepare for starting their families. We know that 16% (1 in 6) couples in Canada will struggle with infertility and it is important for couples to understand that we are here to help support them through this journey. Dr. Shymansky is happy to see and provide education, and referrals when appropriate, to heterosexual and same-sex couples who have a desire to start planning for pregnancy. 

Infertility is defined as failure to conceive after a reasonable period of intercourse without the use of contraception for women under the age of 35 and six months for women over the age of 35. Women over the age of 40 trying to conceive should speak to their doctor if they are not pregnant after 3 months of unprotected intercourse. 

Causes of infertility may be related to female factors (e.g. age, tubal factors or uterine factors), male factors (e.g. poor sperm quality, low sperm count), combination of both, or unexplained. A common misconception is that infertility is often because of the female. Therefore, if you and your partner are trying to conceive, it is important that an assessment of both partners takes place in order to identify a root cause.

Dr. Shymansky will arrange for the appropriate tests, investigations (bloodwork, imaging) when appropriate, and will guide patients in providing appropriate referrals to help assess for fertility. 

Prior to conceiving, women are strongly encouraged to do the following:

  • Start folic acid 0.4mcg daily (taking a standard prenatal vitamin will also suffice) 
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and recreational substances 
  • Try to embark on a balanced diet and exercise
  • Ensure your pap is up to date
  • Arrange for a dental check up

Once pregnant, you will be assessed and sent for a variety of bloodwork and imaging. Prenatal genetic testing will also be offered as a part of your prenatal care. 

Helpful links:


Contraceptive Care

The clinic also provides education and counselling for other forms of contraception including:

  • Birth control pills
  • Evra Patch
  • Depo-Provera injection
  • NuvaRing®

Emergency contraception 

Emergency contraception is contraception that is used to reduce the risk of an unintended pregnancy. This may be the result of contraceptive failure such as missing a dose of your medication, failed condom use, sexual assault or unintended pregnancy after vaginal intercourse. Various options available include: 

Copper IUD 

This is the most effective form of emergency contraception and is 99% effective in preventing unintended pregnancy. It can be inserted up to 7 days after unwanted sexual intercourse. Another great benefit of the copper IUD is that it can also provide ongoing contraception.

*We will soon be providing copper IUDs on site at our women's health clinic so there's no need to go to a pharmacy after your appointment to obtain your IUD. 

Ella® (ulipristal acetate)

Roughly 65% effective when taken within five days of unprotected intercourse. It is more effective than the progesterone only containing pill (i.e. Plan B), and doesn’t seem to be affected by the women’s body size.

Plan B®

A pill that contains progesterone and is roughly 50%  effective and most effective when taken within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse. It’s efficacy declines the later it is taken, but it can be taken up to five days after unprotected intercourse. If you weigh more than 165 lbs. or have a BMI > than 25, it is advised that you speak to your physician as the medication may not be as effective.

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Menopause is a natural transition every woman will go through and is marked after 12 consecutive months without a period. The average age of menopause is 51.5 years old and marks the end of menstruation and fertility. Many women report symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, vaginal symptoms (dryness, itching), sexual discomfort, and urinary incontinence. Changes in cognition and irregular bleeding may also be experienced. 80% of women will make this transition smoothly with symptoms that do not have much impact on their quality of life. Approximately 20% of women will experience more severe symptoms that begin to affect their relationships or work, and menopause may have an impact on their quality of life. Some of these symptoms may begin two to eight years prior to the final menstrual period, which is defined by a decline in hormonal factors, especially estrogen.

Our goal is to provide comprehensive management of health issues related to menopause. 

Services offered as they relate to women going through peri/menopause include:

  • Assessment, management of perimenopausal bleeding and symptoms
  • Assessment, management of postmenopausal bleeding and symptoms
  • Vaginal Health
  • Osteoporosis assessments
  • Contraception in perimenopause

Please note: Dr. Shymansky does not prescribe bioidentical/compounded hormones.

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Sexual Health

We also offer services for sexual health including testing for: 

  • Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • HPV vaccine counselling
    • We also offer counselling for the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine for adults and those who were not eligible for the vaccine through the Alberta Health Services publicly funded program

Drop-in Pap Test Program

  • This program is available to any female seeking to have a pap test. The program runs once a month on Saturdays from 9AM to 1PM. 
  • A pap test is a test used to check for the presence of any abnormal cells that may be present on your cervix. We are able to prevent the majority of cervical cancer cases by having women screened regularly.
  •  The pap test is currently available to all women who are between the ages of 25 to 69 in Alberta and is done every three years in average-risk women, or sooner if you have an abnormal result that requires follow-up.
  • Any female who has engaged in sexual intercourse, which is defined as any form of vaginal intercourse, vaginal/oral or vaginal/digital intercouse would be eligible for a pap test.
  • This test is encouraged for every woman irrespective of whom they have intercourse with.

Helpful links:


Breast Cancer Screening

During this exam, the doctor checks for any abnormal tissue or changes in the breast. This helps to detect and address conditions such as breast cancer early. All women are encouraged to start having screening mammograms starting at age 50 until age 74. A mammogram is a breast X-ray used to detect early breast cancers and is still the best way to screen for breast cancer. 

Women who are 40-49 years old are also eligible to participate in the breast cancer screening program. A referral will be required and the benefits and risks of early screening can be discussed with your physician. 

Helpful links:


Contact Us Below to Book an Appointment

If you would like to book an appointment with our women's health clinic, you can do so by giving us a call at 403-454-7550 or by filling out our online contact form. By completing the referral form, Dr. Shymansky will provide the referring physician with a summary of your consultation and assessment, so the referring provider is apprised of your current health situation. 

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