Medical Examinations For WCB Claims

Our Priority Is Get You Recovered And Back To Work Safely

After a workplace injury, a medical exam can be instrumental in determining whether an employee is fit to go back to work, and in charting a course for their recovery.

Workplace injuries can occur when an injury arises from a one-time accident, or as a result of repeated strain. When a worker is injured on the job, they may be eligible for worker’s compensation. Connecting with a medical professional, such as your family doctor, is an important part of this process.

When a patient connects with their doctor regarding a WCB claim, their doctor is required by law to report the injury to WCB within 48 hours. Additionally, your family doctor will fill out forms to provide the employer or the WCB with information necessary to evaluate the patient’s WCB claim.

These documents will provide information about:

  • employee absence from work for a medical reason
  • employee ability to work after an accident or injury

Meet Dr. Zaidi    Meet Dr. Shymansky


Contact Us

If you have recently suffered a workplace injury, you should get in touch with both your medical care provider and the WCB. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 403-454-7550 or through our online contact form.

For After-Hours, Non-Emergency Assistance, contact Health Link Calgary by dialing 8-1-1. If required, a Health Link Nurse will make an appointment for you at the Access 365 Clinic located at Riley Park Primary Care Centre. 

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